Hi, I'm Christy

My passion is helping you access light so powerful your life will never be the same...

Your PROBLEMS solved, MAGIC accessed & DREAMS achieved…

All while having so much fun you’ll need a brand new bucket list!

(nope, not kidding...)


Hi, I'm Christy

My passion is helping you access light so powerful your life will never be the same...

Your PROBLEMS solved, MAGIC accessed & DREAMS achieved…

All while having so much fun you’ll need a brand new bucket list!

(nope, not kidding...)


Ready to embody your INFINITE potential?

Want to be divinely supported in everything you do...

 Thrive in every cell of your body and every area of your life...

And make creating your dreams absolutely effortless? 

Not only are you designed for it... it's as natural as breathing.
Christy Michele Photo
A little about me...

As an intuitive channel and infinite potential energy specialist, I know and live in the unbelievable magic that's available to us in every second. 

I’ve learned how to ditch the outdated patterning of lack, limitation, pain, & struggle and to create miracles that continually blow my mind, including things that most people don’t heal or transform in a lifetime.

You do not need to struggle for one more second.

Miraculous joy and thriving are ready to shine from you so you can kick your problems to the curb and create a life more beautiful than you can imagine.

More about me

Are You Ready to Be So Divinely Supported Your Problems Solve Themselves?

Side Effects May Include:

  • Sharing your gifts and living your dreams right the heck now
  • Perfect health & radiant beauty
  • Emotional thriving
  • Crystal clear wisdom & divine guidance
  • Infinite abundance & joy filled, healthy relationships

We are wired for pure thriving, infinite potential, and abundant, joyful lives but we have been given a very outdated owner's manual that doesn't even match us. It's like trying to operate a new phone with a user manual from a 50 year old refrigerator …and we wonder why life doesn't seem to work.

I have your updated owner’s manual... and OMG, life really works!

Client Words

I truly enjoy the “HOW-TO" aspects of your course. I have many books I've ordered and read that give examples and circumstances of what was manifested yet the practical “HOW-TO” for layman is always missing

Client Words

"Today I did something I never would have done had I not gotten your help. I have been to therapists for years and they have not been able to help me 1/10 as much as you have. So please know your words, lessons and videos are a beautiful light to someone who has been stumbling along in a dark tunnel for such a long time. It is so inspiring to know another empath: someone who isn't afraid to be herself and just gets it. Things I had asked for during our time together, have all come to pass. I could not be more pleased."

- Stephani Halverson, Teacher & Changemaker

It's time...
To wake up each day ready to hit the ground running like a kid on Christmas morning.
To reclaim your happiness, passion, and nonstop fun while making your greatest impact in the world.
And fall asleep every night peacefully reviewing a gratitude list that’s too long to finish…
Client Words

"You are a true angel on earth!"

- Dena Jensen, Yoga Instructor

"Your work has hit so many buttons of love and light for so many people which is deeply needed across our entire society!"

- Miracle Challenge Participant

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